Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The countdown continues...

...less than 3 weeks to go!

Please continue to pray for the preparations, financial support, and that my visa will come in time. I have been asked some questions lately so here are some updates/answers: 

  • Financial update: my goal is to have half of my year's funds ($6,000) raised before I leave. So far I am a little over halfway to this goal. Please help me reach this! You can support me financially by giving a one time donation (through the link on the right) or by becoming a monthly supporter. 
  • To donate monthly: email gail@freedomstones.ws to sign up for automatic withdrawal. 
  • Subscribe to my blog! Please enter your email in the box on the right labeled "sign-up for email updates." 
I have been beyond blessed over the past two months to see how God has raised an incredible support community around me. Thank you for doing this with me : ) 

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